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Just how high is your team’s productivity when working from home?

Olly Denhard
Olly Denhard
Founder, IT Trouble Free

To discover more about productivity in the workplace, Tech giant Microsoft recently surveyed 20,000 people working for businesses in 11 different countries. Some of the results might surprise you!

They discovered that most bosses don’t believe their employees are as productive when working from home.

Four out of five employers said they thought their

people got less done when working remotely.

However, 87% of staff felt they were MORE productive when working from home.

How is there such a big disconnect?

Microsoft boss Satya Nadella blames what he calls “productivity paranoia”. That means a gap between what employers expect from their people and what employees feel.

Many bosses may wish for a return to how we worked before 2020 … but their teams probably prefer the flexibility of today’s hybrid working as there’s much to gain from less commuting and a better work/life balance.

We believe bosses need to communicate better with their people. They must set clear expectations and give feedback if they feel people aren’t performing as expected.

But it’s also essential to ensure that a team has the right tools and technology to get things done … no matter where they work. Are their devices suitable for the job they’re doing? Do they have appropriate applications to communicate effectively and collaborate on projects?

Take the time to discuss the tools and technology you use with the people who use it daily.

You should also demonstrate how much you trust and value your people. You’ll be rewarded with a loyal and productive team in the long term.

Do you need a hand finding the right tools and tech for your specific business? We can help – get in touch.


Adapted from an original article on Your Tech Updates (with permission).